Senior App Design: work in progress
Prototyped in XD, custom icons designed in Illustrator, and use of personal photography. Style guide created to keep branding consistent (colors, typography, textures).
P E R S O N A L   B R A N D
I created the above logo for my own freelance photography business. Over the past few years my passion from photography has truly been influenced by my travels and love for the outdoors, and so I wanted to incorporate it into my mark. I chose an evergreen tree because it is a symbol for perseverance, being able to keep growing even through the toughest of times. The "square board" I put together showcases the logo mixed in amongst my own photos and against different textures. 
S E L F - B R A N D I N G   P R O J E C T
This project allowed me to take my personal logo and apply it to many different scenarios and products. From business cards to letters to post-cards, I was able to further develop my skills in Indesign and Illustrator as well as bring it to life with printing.
P O S T E R   S E R I E S
For a class project we were permitted to create a three poster series about a humanitarian cause of our choice. Being influenced by a cross-country road trip I took, I chose to make mine about getting more people to visit America's national parks. I used a combination of Adobe Illustrator and Indesign to assemble these together. 
J O H N N Y   D E P P   M A G A Z I N E   S P R E A D
 designed in Adobe InDesign & Illustrator with custom illustrations
C O M P A N Y   B R A N D I N G   P R O J E C T
Created a logo in Illustrator for a hot chocolate company and designed a packaging mock-up.
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